From the President
Welcome to the official website of the National Latino Law Enforcement Organization – Milwaukee Chapter (NLLEO). NLLEO Milwaukee Chapter reorganized on February 2, 2019. Previously named National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA), we reorganized under a different national umbrella. The NLLEO is an all-inclusive organization of law enforcement professionals that welcomes all, regardless of race, sex, and religion. The NLLEO was created to provide members with promotional training, leadership training, mentor-ship, and much more. In addition to working for our members, we will provide community outreach through mentorship, scholarships, and sponsorships. Under our NLPOA history we are proud of the following: Community Outreach; annual school supply donations to low income schools; Establishing the Deputy Sergio Aleman Memorial Scholarship Fund; Fundraising for Fallen Officers; Courtesy Patrol for Mexican Fiesta to provide a safe environment for festival attendees. We will continue the same mission and expand our horizons. The NLLEO is committed to provide an all-inclusive professional organization with transparency and immediate communication.
To stay up to date with important community information and events please “follow” us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat @nlleomilwaukee.
Danilo Cárdenas
NLLEO – Milwaukee Chapter